With the various amounts of ways to communicate your message and promote your business or product, how do you know if what you’re putting out there is actually being consumed by your target customers? If you run your own business or are tasked with marketing a business, you already know that it is tough out there and you have to do some pretty creative things at times in order to stand above the noise. Though it is a tough task, it is possible with some hard work. Hopefully, these few ideas will get the ball rolling on you creating the next big advertising/marketing idea that will get you the attention you’re looking for.
Window Graphics/Shades
Window graphics are a relatively inexpensive way to attract the eye of potential new customers on the street and serve as a creative method to help display exactly what your business offers. Window graphics provide the freedom to display who you are, what you sell and current promotions, providing word-of-mouth advertising about your company within your community.
Check out our full post on Benefits of Window Graphics to find out additional benefits!
Environmental Graphics
Beautify your space and promote your message at the same time using environmental graphics. Cover empty walls with canvas prints or wall murals that extend your brand look and feel. Use printed floor mats or floor graphics to put your message at your customers’ feet.

Help yourself by helping others
All your marketing should be of some use to your audience. There are many ways that you can make your marketing efforts a welcome intrusion rather than an annoyance to your audience. Try these:
- Provide useful information. Information marketing has proven to be highly effective in increasing sales. By educating your audience on problems that they care about, you are also not only growing your customer base but also positioning yourself as the solution. To do this, host a Meetup group, an event, a class or even an online webinar. Offer to speak at events.
- Provide assistance. Answer questions posted on forums and websites like Quora and direct your audience to your website for more information. There are online directories that list a whole variety of forums such as Find A Forum.Net.
- Entertain your audience. Make them laugh or cry. Think of the funny and touching ads that you see and how quickly they are shared.
Hopefully these ideas will give you the boost needed to create your own unique promotional idea and get your business the attention it deserves and gain new customers! Good luck!